INLUX was founded by Petra-Anna Herhoffer in 2009 as the first consulting firm for luxury in Germany. As a consultancy hub for luxury, the successful model is restructuring with the goal of being the first point of contact for excellent consultation and services for the premium and luxury sector in the German-speaking region. First and foremost, INLUX offers broad access to a team of internationally experienced, capable experts from various segments in the luxury industry. Under the leadership of Arndt Johannes and Petra-Anna Herhoffer, this team has been woven together into a magical tapestry of expertise, networking, and trades. At INLUX, clients are treated to exactly the right expertise for their project and benefit from the experience and reputation of curated consultants and service providers—specifically in the areas of digital and sustainable transformation.


Do you have urgent questions and need quick solutions? We offer compact service modules that demonstrate initial solutions in practice-oriented sprints. Book an agile INLUX team of consultants and experts for two to five days. Based on the results, we jointly determine the next steps for further development and implementation. We work with you and your teams in the short, medium or long term. Our experience and expertise for your success!


We support your company in workshops with our consultants to develop trendsetting strategies, or we can develop these strategies for you.

  • Growth-oriented business strategies
  • Corporate mission statements
  • Marketing and communication strategies
  • Omnichannel retail strategies
  • Digitalization
  • Pricing-Strategien


Any brand-relevant project should be based on a sense for social trends and the zeitgeist if it aims to make your brand future fit.

  • Brand development
  • Brand relaunch
  • Brand Repositioning
  • Purpose concepts
  • Political and sustainable branding
  • Employer Branding


Marketing is how we speak straight to the customers’ heart. We combine classic approaches with state-of-the-art solutions to develop and implement innovative strategies. Analog and digital.

  • Marketing strategies
  • MarTech solutions
  • Evaluating marketing activities
  • Marketing Organisation
  • Target Group Analysis, community building
  • Content Strategien
  • Selektierte PR

Match Making

We have access to a wind-ranging, vital network, and carefully maintain our contacts to leading companies and top executives in the premium and luxury industry, service providers in new tech, media professionals, and artists. We bring people and brands together in the right place and at the right time. With our events, such as the LBD Luxury Business Day, we are continuously expanding our network.

  • Brand partnerships
  • Partnerships with artists
  • Contacts to best-in-class service providers
  • Contacts to media professionals and publishing houses
  • Human Capital Services


There are countless examples of companies giving product groups and brands a comprehensive upgrade. Customers were prepared to pay more or to become more loyal. For shoes, discount products, vehicles. Luxury as a strategy is transferrable and offers enormous potential for many companies and brands in the premium segment and below. We will be happy to look closer at your luxury potential.


Petra-Anna Herhoffer

The best strategies—and the most creative ideas to implement them—emerge at the intersection of zeitgeist and competence. My mission is to help turn companies into desirable “luxury gemstones”.

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Arndt Johannes

Every brand has a unique DNA. It forms the basis for sustainable success, and acts as a guide for integrated communication that must be awakened, lived out, and communicated.

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Marc Mielau

My passion is developing emotional and differentiating brands on the cutting edge of marketing innovation.

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Dr. Annette Doms

Web3 offers fantastic opportunities to present brands and products in an artsy manner. In collaborating with digital artists, completely new worlds emerge as immersive touchpoints.

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The LBD Luxury Business Day is the only conference and networking event in the German-speaking region by and for professionals in the premium, creative, and luxury industries. Since 2011, LBD has stood for thought leadership, best-practice sharing, and matchmaking. The event brings together experts and established figures from various disciplines to share their knowledge, inspire, and offer the benefits of their experience to a wide audience.

The tenth LBD will be held on April 24, 2024, in Munich.



APURE – Feel the Light

Apure Lighting gelingt es mit minimalen Leuchten, Räume maximal auszuleuchten. Blendfrei und kaum wahrnehmbar. Licht darf man nicht sehen, man muss es fühlen, so die Maxime von Apure Gründer Uli Petzold.


145 Vodka

Die Pandemie brachte eine Familie im gemeinsamen Haus zusammen. Statt sich die Zeit mit Brettspielen zu vertreiben, schufen Carl, Katja und Marc die Marke 145 Vodka, die heute bereits im KaDeWe erhältlich ist.


Vagabonding - Off you go

Mit einem ausgebauten Mercedes Sprinter unterwegs zu sein, klingt erst einmal rustikal. Wenn dieser jedoch von Andreas Stricker ausgerüstet und möbliert wird, wird daraus eine komfortable Behausung für anspruchs-volle Abenteurer.